Invite editor
Since March 2024, Orderlion has introduced an enhanced Invite editor, making it easier for you to send invitations to your webshop.
New for Invitations on the Computer since March 2024:
Revised invitation messages
Preview of the message before sending
Editing the message template directly in Orderlion
Bulk invite from Orderlion email and SMS now with preview and editing options
Sending individual invitations via your own email programme using "Open mailbox"
Sending individual invitations via WhatsApp Web on the computer using "Open WhatsApp"
Advantages of the New Invite editor:
Improved message quality
More personalized addressing of recipients
Building trust by using your own email addresses and phone numbers instead of Orderlion emails
Activation: The function is automatically activated with the update. Simply navigate to the customer view and use the Invite editor.
Editing the Invitation Template: Click on "Edit" (pencil icon at the top right) and adjust the text. The subject and text can be customized. Note that when editing in the text field, images are removed and cannot be re-inserted.
For sending via WhatsApp Web or the email programme, the message is inserted and can be edited before sending, including adding attachments, etc.
Important: Any changes will be applied to all other further invitation messages.
Sending Timing of the Invitation: The invitation is sent only when you click "Send" or in your email programme/WhatsApp, click "Send."
Checking Invitation Status: You can see who has accepted the invitation by checking under "Customers" β "Status."
Important: When using Orderlion emails or your own emails, automatic reminders are sent to recipients in the same thread. When using your email programme and removing the Orderlion address (automatically in BCC), reminders cannot be sent.
Last updated